Growing Up At GUCI

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Growing Up At GUCI

by Rabbi Jon and Sandy Adland, Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation 

In 1985, our son Joshua took his first steps on the lawn outside the motel unit at GUCI. From that summer until now, Sandy and I have been at GUCI with one of our children.

We watched them go from staff children to campers, avodahnikim, counselors, and finally into positions of leadership. The friendships made during their many summers at GUCI are deep, meaningful, and lasting. The lessons learned as campers, counselors, and in leadership guide them on their current life journeys. There is no question in my mind that this unique, magical place has made a difference in the people they are and will be.

As parents of these two adults, we couldn’t have picked a better place to raise our children. Sandy and I have been privileged to spend 28 summers at GUCI in a variety of capacities including seven summers of four week stints. It is amazing to watch your children grown up right before you. It doesn’t happen at home. They go off to school in the morning and return later that day. When they are older they don’t even stick around the house that much leaving to be with friends, NFTY, Israel, extra-curricular activities and more. Here at camp we see them every day. We watch them interact with old friends and new. We watch them perform in front of others, answer questions in discussion groups, climb the migdal (the giant tower) and just hang out. It is hard to be an observer, but the blessing is that we get to observe. I know that we are privileged to be able to do this and be at camp, but everyone should know that this is a great place for your child to be. When you pick up your child at the end of the session, you see the growth, maturity, and confidence.

Whether you are here with your child or just waiting for the occasional communication, we are all part of the special group of being GUCI parents. It is club that is worth joining. My children are through with their physical GUCI experience, but this place is a part of who they are and everything they do in life will have a part of GUCI in it. We are GUCI parents and proud to be so.