Wacky Science on Shoresh Day Off

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Wacky Science on Shoresh Day Off

By Ari Kalfus
Communications Specialist

Shalom, GUCI family! If you are following us on Twitter, then you know that yesterday was Shoresh Day Off! SDO is a day for Shoresh to be together as a unit and to have a huge amount of fun.

The theme for this SDO is “mad science,” and to start the day, Shoresh built boats and used tools to race them across the pool. They also made ooblek, volcanoes, and bouncy balls, and they prepared an egg drop off the top of the Migdal.

Shoresh left at 11:00 AM to Holiday Park, where they had lunch and relaxed at the playground. They then left for the Indianapolis Children’s Museum. I remember going there when I was on Shoresh, and I wish I was with them now! The museum recently opened an Avatar exhibit that sounds really fun. That evening, Shoresh returned to camp for an all-Shoresh bunk night. They ate “bunk night burgers” (a GUCI classic!) and watched Finding Nemo (the vehicle for their shiur educational theme) on the basketball court before heading to bed. Shoresh had an incredible day, and were up bright and early this morning to greet Garin at Roll Call!